For 22 years, Volk Drywall has been a residential drywall contractor in southern California. Since its inception in 1987, this southern California player has been supplying custom drywall and steel stud to higher-end homes through the Reagan years to the current Obama administration.

Recently, Volk Drywall returned to one of its first projects from the ’80s for extensive remodeling.
“We drywalled the project owner’s home about 20 years ago. He is reported to be the largest landowner in [the] downtown Los Angeles area,” Volk says of the property located in neighboring Whittier. Just miles away, this city has an extensive filmography where movies such as Back to the Future, Big Fat Liar and Disturbia were shot.

This private residence has a square footage of 28,000 feet. Volk says it took approximately 116,000 square feet of drywall, [and] bullnose metal bead. The project took an estimated 3,480 manhours to complete.
Six-hundred and twelve boxes of Hamilton mud along with about 230 gallons of USG’s Plus “3” mud for the putty-coat was used. Throughout the project’s whole, California-based Pabco was used. Volk says the board gives the contractor consistency and quality for the high-end custom homes he works on.

Off-angles were coved using Select Taping Tools’ Off-Angle Head.
“It is the only tool we have found that consistently produces smooth consistent off-angles on the long runs in the coffered ceilings that this house had,” Volk says.

“The house has several uncommon features. First, its footprint is of an unequal hexagon surrounding a very large courtyard within. It is a two-story structure with six large separate sublevels. Because of its size and three-level design, the house requires its own detached 1,200 square foot subterranean boiler room for heating and cooling,” says Volk.

The drywall portion of this project began in early December and was completed in early January.

“The California market is still slow,” he says. “We are doing a lot better then most partly because custom homes (our niche) are still being built while tracts are, for all intents and purposes, close to a stop.”
One of the ways the company is combating harsh economic times is that it still actively solicits new customers, Volk says.