Simonton Windows has hired Mike Petersen as the company’s vice president, finance. The company has promoted Mark Wherry to the position of vice president, manufacturing. Gary Pember has been named vice president of marketing with Simonton.

Group Goetz Architects announced that Robert Sly has rejoined its team as associate principal and studio director of GGA’s commercial design practice.

The National One Coat Stucco Association elected new officers in at February’s meeting, held in Las Vegas. George Adams, of EZ Wall Premix Co. Inc. of Dallas, was elected the 2009 President. He succeeds Ben Garcia of Expo Stucco Products, located in San Diego, who will serve on the NOCSA Board as Past President. Tim Williams of Ultra Kote Products, located in Phoenix, was elected vice president. Omega Products’ Steve Taylor was re-elected secretary/treasurer.

Newly elected Directors were Mike Griffin, Gary Alexander and John McCroan. Also continuing to serve as officers of the association for a one-year term were Peter Daechsel and Drake Nelson.