Simpson Strong-Tie is partnering with Mike Holmes, professional contractor and host and creator of the hit TV series Holmes on Holmes, on his deck safety campaign this spring. The campaign goal is to give homeowners information and resources to help them make sure their decks are safe.
It is estimated that millions of decks in the United States and Canada are beyond their useful life and may be unsafe. Homeowners should inspect their decks ever year to make sure all of the critical connections are strong.  A key message of the campaign is that deck collapses are preventable. Using the proper structural connectors and screws, as well as regular maintenance, are key to a safe, strong deck. 
“We are excited to be partnering with Mike Holmes on this campaign,” said Kristin Lincoln, senior vice president of Global Marketing. “Mike’s Make it Right approach aligns well with our company value of helping our customers build safer, stronger homes and decks. By giving deck owners more resources about how they can make their decks safe, we hope to see fewer news stories about deck collapses.”
The deck safety campaign, which kicked off yesterday and will run through the end of May, will primarily be communicated through social media and on Weekly themes emphasize different aspects of deck safety, including the key connections on a deck, the importance of the ledger connection, and proper deck planning and design.
For more information about building a safe, strong deck visit Professionals can also visit