This output brings the speed and convenience of mobile 3-D capture to remodeling and design professionals who need to document existing conditions in homes, offices and other interior spaces. The Measurement Report unlocks the detailed data captured by a scan for professionals who don’t need an editable file for every project. Each report includes a dimensioned floor plan in addition to the following:

  • The height, width and area of every door, window and wall, plus the windowsill height of every window.
  • The total floor and wall areas for each room, as well as wall linear length by room.
  • Quantities of doors, windows, openings and countertops by room.
  • Countertop area for applicable rooms, such as kitchens and bathrooms.

Canvas Measurement Report Scan

Photo courtesy of Canvas


This data can accelerate estimating, takeoffs, bidding, permitting, interior design projects and drafting remodeling projects without using design software. The Canvas Measurement Report can also be ordered in addition to editable CAD files so that different teams can use Canvas scan data differently on the same project. Users scan spaces with up to 99 percent accuracy by walking around the perimeter of the interior with LiDAR-equipped Apple Pro devices, such as the iPad Pro and the iPhone Pro and Pro Max. Canvas customers can scan the average American home (2,300 square feet) in about 20 minutes. The Canvas Measurement Report delivers comprehensive measurements and data that customers say used to take them more than four hours to measure manually, representing a time savings of more than 90 percent. Depending on the square footage of the scanned property, the Canvas Measurement Report is typically delivered within one to four days. Canvas is available in the Apple App Store under the name “Canvas: LiDAR 3D Measurements.”

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