Knauf has been awarded a $3.28 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to improve its Life Cycle Assessments and Environmental Product Declarations. The grant will allow Knauf to provide accurate and reliable information, helping industry professionals make informed, eco-friendly choices and contribute to a more sustainable built environment.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced the award of nearly $160 million to 38 grant recipients to support efforts to report and reduce climate pollution from the manufacturing of construction materials and products.
On July 16, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced that the Portland Cement Association, which represents America’s cement manufacturers, will receive more than $2.4 million to lead a project that will improve both the quantity and quality of industry Environmental Product Declarations.
On July 16, Deputy EPA Administrator Janet McCabe announced the EPA’s grant selections for a $160 million grant program that supports efforts to report and reduce climate pollution from the manufacturing of construction materials and products.
The American Wood Council submitted a grant proposal to the Environmental Protection Agency aimed at increased transparency in the U.S. wood product industry by further developing Environmental Product Declarations and Product Category Rules for the industry.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced the availability of $100 million in grants from the Inflation Reduction Act to support efforts to report and reduce climate pollution linked to the manufacturing of construction materials and products, which account for 11 percent of annual global greenhouse gas emissions.
On March 15, PCA released a statement in support of the EPA’s removal of a recently proposed emissions limit from the final Good Neighbor Federal Implementation Plan.