Steel Stud Manufacturers Association members voted to implement a SSMA-sponsored Code Compliance Certification Program. Supported by third-party inspection, the program will assure access to structural steel studs and track that comply with national and local building codes.
“SSMA’s action signifies a strong initiative to assure code compliant structural metal framing products for users,” said Chairman Larry Stone. “Customers that buy certified products from SSMA members can gain confidence that the material received is part of SSMA’s third-party certification program and conforms to the most current version of the building code-the 2006 version of IBC.”
Approval of the program marked the culmination of extensive research and development by the SSMA Board of Directors and its Technical Committee. A certification consultant was brought in to assist in the development.
The SSMA program, as implemented, addresses heavier structural framing. Plans are underway to expand the program to incorporate non-structural framing products.
As of July 1, 2009, member plants will have undergone third party inspection conducted during a six-month program rollout. This step will reassure the marketplace that all SSMA structural framing products continue to meet or exceed SSMA specifications.
Concurrent with the implementation of testing and inspection, SSMA will launch a communication plan to promote and strengthen the membership brand and to educate owners, architects, builders and code officials on the key properties and product markings that confirm code compliance.