The EIFS Industry Members Association recently conducted a survey of the EIFS industry to determine how COVID-19 was effecting their individual businesses. Results were collected between March 26 and March 31.

Here is a summary of the findings:
43% of respondents were contractors

Has the state where your business is located closed “non-essential” businesses?
Yes: 77.5%
No: 17.8%
Unknown: 4.7%

Is your business considered “essential” with the addition of new restrictions being placed on the workforce?
Yes: 69%
No: 22.5%
N/A: 8.5%

Has your marketplace for EIFS been effected by the current crisis?
Yes: 64%
No: 36%

By how much?
0% : 22.9%
1% – 10% : 11.9%
11% – 20% : 11%
21% – 30% : 10.2%
31% – 40% : 5.9%
41% – 50% : 6.8%
50% – 75% : 6.8%
76% – 99% : 5.9%
100% : 4.2%

Do you feel the construction market for EIFS will decrease in the next 3 months?
Yes: 67.4%
No: 20.2%
Other: 12.4%

Overall a great deal of optimism remains throughout the industry. While multiple states have now stopped any construction that’s not tied to health and safety projects, others companies are reporting slight delays of projects. 56% of respondents have reported seeing less than a 30% impact on their EIFS marketplace.