In celebration of WIC Week, the EIFS Industry Members Association (EIMA) is proud to recognize women in leadership positions in the EIFS industry. Each day this week, EIMA will highlight a female leader from within its membership.

Featuring Michelle Leader

  • Director, Marketing Communications
  • Sto Corp
  • Member, EIMA Communications and Education Committee
  • Former Chair, EIMA Membership Committee

How long have you worked in the construction industry? I have been in my current position at Sto Corp for 2 years, and have worked in this industry for a total of 16 years.

What do you like about working in the construction industry? We have the opportunity to shape our future through the built environment. The decisions that we make today in designing and constructing and renovating our homes, workplaces, communities, infrastructure, etc. will have long lasting effects on future generations and the future of our planet. Everyone interacts with buildings in one form or another every day. Creating buildings that are healthy, sustainable, affordable, and aesthetically pleasing has a huge impact on the overall health and well-being of us individually, and of society as a whole. 

What changes have you seen in the role of women in the construction industry over the years? There are more of us! And in more roles across the industry. Everywhere from the construction site, to R&D labs, to architects’ offices. I’m looking forward to seeing more women in boardrooms as well.

What advice would you offer a woman considering a career in the construction industry? This is such a huge industry, yet in a way it feels like a small community. Relationships are very important to people in construction. There is a lot of passion for creating and performing a job well. Women will support each other and there are good opportunities to create a network of support. Don’t be intimidated by being the only woman in the room. Be energetic, enthusiastic, and willing to learn, and you will go far.