Contractors know how important it is to keep up to date with myriad regulations to maintain compliance to avoid financial and reputational consequences, and a new service by J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc. now gives employers information on demand.

Risk of violations, accidents, injuries and legal litigation in areas regulated by FMCSA, DOT, OSHA, EPA, DOL and more can now be mitigated through J. J. Keller’s “Live Regulatory Update Service.”

J. J. Keller said its Live Regulatory Update Service provides companies with a customized, interactive, virtual presentation delivered by a J. J. Keller subject matter expert who helps staff understand the compliance changes impacting their company, trends and best practices.

“Now it’s easy for safety professionals to educate themselves, their employees and even management on the evolving regulatory landscape that could be putting their operation at risk,” said Sean Nebert, J. J. Keller’s Director of DOT Consulting. “Based on the popularity of the live seminars we’ve been conducting for years, this new service’s convenient virtual presentation format allows our subject matter experts to have an interactive discussion on specific compliance topics that are important to an organization.”

The Live Regulatory Update Service covers regulations in the areas of fleet transportation, workplace safety, environmental hazards, human resources and more, depending on a company’s needs. In addition to the live presentation, companies also receive a copy of the presentation with transcripts, a recording of the presentation for those who can’t attend and access to J. J. Keller’s Expert Help service.

“Staying on top of regulatory changes isn’t just complicated, it’s time-consuming,” Nebert added. “Now safety professionals can be sure they’re aware of new requirements, share that knowledge with employees and save time doing it.”

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