Dear Nick,
I was flipping thru the latest Walls & Ceilings and on page 28 of November’s issue, could not believe the photo included. The photo on the upper left corner has a worker sitting on top of a ladder, balanced on a two-scaffold plank. Either this photo should not have been included, or should have included a caption pointing out how unsafe this was. The contractor opened himself up to litigation as well as OSHA violations by allowing this unsafe act, as did the GC and the owner of the property. Safety is everyone’s job, including yours!
The magazine is wonderful, I look forward to getting it.
Mark Yerkes
Dear Nick,
After trying to read your article “Day of the Roundtable” (W&C, November 2002) on residence drywall, I got sick only to bring back 15 years of bad memories. Each and every one of the issues addressed are the reason I shut down my residential drywall and stucco business after 15 years of $4 to $5 million per year.
The only joy I received at the bitter end was to tell all the builders to get lost. This market of our business is the snake pit and as low as you can go. Building a reputation on quality and service in this market only means lost profits.
Call me a sellout if you want but now I do $16 to $20 million in the commercial market, getting the hell beat out of me waiting forever to get paid, but at least I am having fun again.
The Happy Commercial Drywall Contractor,
Jerry Staggenborg,
J.S. Plastering Inc.