The Strategic Development Council has announced its upcoming Session 25 meeting this spring to discuss several issues and initiatives facing the concrete industry. This gathering will take place May 21-22, at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center in Nashville. Topics to be discussed by SDC membership include:
A presentation from future American Concrete Institute president Florian Barth on ACI’s commitment to sustainability;
Working with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation on a potentially multi-million-dollar research program with the intent of developing an accepted protocol for testing various corrosion prevention and mitigation techniques;
A continued collaboration on Building Information Modeling, involving several software developers, with the goal of identifying potential useful software and software applications; and Four “Technology Showcases” featuring new technologies in the area of performance concrete. The full agenda for the meeting can be found
Registration is now open for Session 25 Hotel reservations for the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center can be made or by calling 615-883-2211. Be sure to mention the SDC meeting and get a special negotiated rate. The hotel reservation cut-off date is April 20.
If you are not an SDC member, but are interested in attending or learning more, please contact Doug Sordyl at 248-848-3755.