In this episode of “If Walls Could Talk,” John Wyatt, editor of Walls & Ceilings speaks with Tom Harris of Tom Harris PUR Consulting about February’s show in sunny Daytona Beach, Fla., the Spray Foam Convention & Expo.

The Super Bowl, Sunshine and Spray Foam
John Wyatt interviews Tom Harris of Tom Harris PUR Consulting about the upcoming Spray Foam Convention & Expo in Daytona Beach, Florida. The event features 45 educational breakout sessions for contractors, a beach party hosted by Spray Foam World Wide with over $500,000 in giveaways, an applicator competition, and a robust certification program.
This year the SPFA Conference will have 45 educational breakout sessions aimed specifically at contractors, everything from legal issues, growth opportunities, and selling skills to handling HFO chemistry, and gathering data. The Facebook group Spray Foam World Wide is hosting a beach party and they’re giving away more than $500,000 worth of merchandise to attendees including two fully loaded spray rigs. The group is also putting on an applicator competition for closed and open cell categories.
SPFA’s Professional Certification Program’s in full swing with classroom training and hands-on testing and the Air Barrier Association of America is putting on a full day of Spray Foam Air Barrier Installer Certification Training.
Harris will be a presenter this year and has four topics he will be discussing to attendees:
One of which is on the issue of “Shrinkage and Delamination,” which discusses why foam shrinks and how to minimize shrinkage and delamination, why it occurs and how to reduce it.
The second one is on “Exotherm.” In this hour we’ll discover what exotherm is and how the new HFO chemistry is changing the landscape of closed cell spray foam.
A third breakout focuses on a new selling tactic and business growth opportunity entitled “Win more Roof Work with Energy Modeling.” That one reviews the changing selling process for all roofing and insulation products. Building owners want to know about the financial return on their roofing investment.
“Most contractors can’t answer the question, ‘How much money will this new roof save me in energy?’ In this presentation, I’ll show everyone what information they need and how to calculate the savings. This is NOT for residential roofing—only commercial,” Harris said.
And speaking of data: Harris will be leading a fourth breakout session entitled “SPF Information – Trust But Verify.” During the presentation, we’ll create an evaluation process that contractors can use to evaluate new products or new suppliers to minimize risk.
Everything you need for the SPFA show including the whole day Spray Foam Seminar “From Technician to Entrepreneur” is on and the Spray Foam World Wide Facebook page.
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