New York City recently became the first jurisdiction in the country to reject and rewrite major sections of the International Building Code’s language around fire protection in exterior façades. Aiming to enhance the fire safety standards in exterior walls, fireblocking is now mandatory behind ventilated cladding, with few exceptions.
A wildland-urban interface area is, “that geographical area where structures and other human development meets or intermingles with wildland or vegetative fuels.” Approximately a third of all housing units in the United States are located within an area that meets this definition.
CEMCO FireRip is a composite steel angle incased in fire-rated drywall that provides unencumbered dynamic movement, per UL-2079 5th edition. FireRip comes in 8-foot lengths and three different sizes to provide unencumbered fire-rated joint protection for 2-, 3- and 4-inch joints.
Fire and life safety in health care occupancies is always important because the patients inside hospitals are incapable of self-preservation, meaning they are unable to evacuate and protect themselves in the event of fire and smoke.
Having a portable fire extinguisher within reach is one of the most effective means to controlling small fires. This extinguisher is easy to use. Users simply point and spray to extinguish a fire. Not only that, this portable fire extinguisher is no bigger than a can of hairspray.