When drywall appeared on the market, plasterers mounted a campaign to discredit its use. How did that fail?
A not so long time ago and in our own
galaxy, interior plaster was king and drywall was considered a second rate
product, but that changed in a big way fast. In the 1950s, you could hear terms
like “button” board and “hardwall” on virtually every project. Drywall was not
taken seriously. But, after the span of a single decade, plasterers stopped
laughing when drywall became the dominant finish. Did interior plasterers just
give up without a fight? No, they fought and spent money on marketing plans to
regain market share. If you think that failure was inevitable, consider that
today interior plaster is still more popular in Europe than drywall.
The post-World War II era created a housing boom like this country had never
seen before. Builders wanted less costly, faster construction, the tract home
was the revolution and drywall was a natural fit. Plastering contractors had to
do something to prevent erosion of their market share. In California, a
marketing firm conducted research to devise a strategy to preserve market share
against the drywall invasion. Through interviews and surveys, they learned
homeowners did not seem to appreciate the benefit of lath and plaster. A
marketing plan was established based on some very basic assumptions about the
difference between plaster and drywall.
Plaster was harder and more durable than drywall.
Plaster had better sound attenuation than drywall.
The marketing strategy became obvious: a two
point attack on the builder and the home buyer was launched with the message
that plaster walls are better walls.
It was believed that if the home buyer knew the difference between drywall and
plaster, they would demand plaster every time. The easy test method that anyone
could try was to “knock on the wall.”
The home builder promoted quality, as per his advertisements, and the
plasterers would help with promotional items like signs and brochures to
display at the model homes to demonstrate that they used lath and plaster, not
The campaign went so far as to include radio and newspaper advertisements. The
catch phrase “Knock on the Wall” is still remembered by many in the trades and
it was pushed hard for a few years during sporting events like professional
Home buyers walking through a tract home are not going to demand plaster or pay
extra for it. Did anyone really believe that potential buyers would walk out on
a home sale because it did not have lath and plaster or buy a home because it
While builders promote quality, at the end of the day, they demand cheaper and
faster turnover. Drywall was cheaper and faster to install. The home builders
also learned quickly that buyers only paid more for upgraded appliances and
fixtures, not plaster walls.
Plasterers had exteriors (stucco) to work on and the housing market was
booming, so the loss of interior plaster work was not really critical-they
still had a lot of work.
Builders claimed plaster was too expensive and
took too much time. Plastering is still bigger in Europe than America? How
could that be? One main reason was masonry walls were, and still are, a main
building material there and plastering over masonry involves no great loss of
time. In addition, the extra cost of furring out masonry, hanging drywall and
taping is not cheaper than just plastering a masonry wall. The reason why
America lost interior plastering runs even deeper than this. The American
plasterer could have saved interior plastering back in the ’60s, but he refused
to adapt or change.
Manufacturers of interior plaster were just as concerned about drywall. They
came up with a solution, skim coat or veneer plaster. It could be put up faster
than drywall and would save time and money compared to traditional lath and
plaster. It must have seemed to manufacturers that interior plaster was about
to be saved. Alas no. Was it a lack of skilled workers with trowels? No, we had
thousands of trained and skilled plasterers. So why did it fail to capture the
market in America?
I found the primary cause for the new skim coat plaster failure from the 1960s
when I was remodeling my home a few years back. I used a veneer skim coat
plaster on my home and my father offered to come over and help. He and my
uncle, old time plasterers, were in the heart of the transition from genuine
lath and plaster to drywall. They often talked about “cheap drywall” and how it
ruined the industry. As we started to spread the veneer plaster, my father
asked, “What is this stuff?” He had a sudden recollection and exclaimed “this
is the stuff they created to compete with drywall back in the ’60s,” in an
irritated voice. He went on to explain that this was an imitation for real lath
and plaster and, in his day, they refused to use it. He also noted how the
material did not work like the real finish or putty coats of his day. It was
not as friendly to work with. What would have happened if they had embraced the
skim coat plaster? Would history be different?
I love plastering and have nothing but the utmost respect for the trade and the
great plasterers out there, but cutting off our noses to spite our faces is
just not smart business.
The fallout from this transitional era may have had longer lasting
repercussions that many of us are not fully aware of. Is it possible a cultural
change occurred back then and the effects are still being felt today? The wall
and ceiling industry prior to the 1960s was more contractor-driven. Standards,
codes and even products were all centered around the contractor’s needs.
Consider that the manufacturers developed a new plaster to “save” interior
plastering and it was rejected. The innovative skim coat plaster system was
developed to be competitive in cost, faster in application and to provide an
abuse resistant wall. The system was dubbed as a sell-out or second cousin to
real or genuine lath and plaster. The plastering contractors made the unfortunate
stance of “all or nothing” and that’s what sunk lath and plaster.