Walls & Ceilings team members Jill Bloom, John Wyatt and Hannah Belloli started off this conversation talking with Doug Bellamy, former president (and current consultant) for Alta Drywall. Bellamy gave us the low down on what Alta Drywall has been up to since his son took over the company, how his many years in the industry have provided him a platform to become both a writer and public speaker and what he has learned about leadership over the years that came in handy during COVID-19. 

Mid-way through the conversation we were joined by Cole Johnson, president of Paul Johnson Drywall. Johnson was able to highlight what Paul Johnson Drywall has been doing to deal with the inevitable labor shortage and how he leads his team in the office and how he leads them on the jobsite. 

Johnson and Bellamy’s common and different experiences provide insight for an industry that is ever changing.