Greetings Architects! Welcome to the newly revamped W&C Architect, the first print edition of 2012. Primarily a monthly enewsletter and quarterly offered webinar under the Walls & Ceilings magazine brand, this issue welcomes change. Geared specifically towards architects who want to learn more about the wall and ceiling industry, W&C Architect will highlight key issues relevant to the modern architect —you. Notable highlights include:
- Monthly architect profiles
- Exclusive webinars where you can earn AIA CES learning credits
- News updates
- Sustainable and new products
- Exclusive features discussing the building envelope, codes, and more
W&C Architect will bring you closer to manufacturers, different building systems, news and products. With easily accessible interactive resources like webinars, we hope to cultivate and promote your talents. Be sure to check out our archived webinars on:
“PanelMax Board Milling Technology; a Revolution in Drywall Fabrication,” presented by Matt Nelson, National Panel Fabrication, Technology Manager with Grabber Construction Products
“Design Assist Projects: Don’t forget the Walls and Ceilings,” by Robert Warr, P.E., LEED AP, Director of Engineering, ClarkDietrich Engineering Services
“Four Barriers For Four Wetting Potentials: How To Design Successful Exterior Wall Assemblies,” by Len Anastasi, President, EXO-TEC Consulting, Inc.
“Continuous Insulation: Plaster & the Energy Code,” by Bryan Staneley, CSI, Technical Advisor, Technical Services Information Bureau and Frank Nunes, Executive Director, Int'l. Institute of Lath & Plaster
As we approach May and June, we have two more webinars: the first is on Continuous Insulation, May 31, presented by the WWCCA; followed by StrucSoft’s presentation on BIM, June 13. These educational offerings will be followed by many more in the near future, and meant to serve both the architect, and all professionals involved in the Design-Build community. Registration and archived webinars can be found at
Want to be featured in W&C Architect? We welcome submissions for our Architect Profile of the Month. Please write if you are interested in being featured in this department.
Want to know about changes in codes or have questions regarding them? Please submit these questions to and they will be answered.
Finally, if there is any news you would like to share with W&C Architect, we’re always interested in case studies, new projects, products, ideas, events and the lot. Please write or any of the magazine’s staff found in the masthead.
We are driven to provide you with an approachable staff that will write about the things you need most, and we want to serve the architectural community using our close relationship with the wall and ceiling industry.
Jill Bloom
Group Publisher